• Description:

    At the Geometric Intelligence Lab, we value community outreach and the sharing of ideas. Our members frequently organize and participate in various events aimed at fostering collaboration, inspiring innovation, and spreading knowledge about their work in the field of geometric AI. Whether it's through workshops, seminars, or community projects, we are committed to engaging with the wider community and advancing the frontiers of AI together. Below are some of the events that lab members have organized or co-organized.

    Graduate studies in ECE are broad and encompass many diverse areas such as computers and digital systems, control, communications, electronics, signal processing, electromagnetics, electro-optics, physics of electronic devices, and device fabrication. As in most areas of engineering, knowledge of mathematics and the natural sciences are combined with engineering fundamentals and applied to the theory, design, analysis, and implementation of devices and systems for the benefit of society.

    ECE’s research is focused in four areas and offers MS and PhD degrees in three major program areas of research: Communications, Controls & Signal Processing (CCSP), Computer Engineering (CE), and Electronics & Photonics (EP). In addition, graduate students determine and choose their program of study and will work with a faculty.

  • Fields

    • Civil Engineering

    • Computer Engineering

    • Computer Science

  • Qualifications

    • Bachelor

    • Master

    • PhD

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