Description: The Louisiana Sea Grant Oyster Research Laboratory has a graduate assistantship for a M.S. student beginning Spring 2025. The M.S. student would complete their classwork at Louisiana State University while conducting research at the Michael C. Voisin Oyster Hatchery in Grand Isle, Louisiana.
The student has the option of obtaining their M.S. degree in Environmental Science or Renewable Natural Resources (https://www.lsu.edu/agriculture/rnr/programs/masters.php). This can be discussed during the interview process. The M.S. position is funded for 2 years ($30,000/year + tuition + 75% of health insurance; student fees are not covered). Projects will be conducted under the supervision of Dr. Elizabeth Robinson.
The successful applicant will conduct research over the course of two production seasons at the oyster hatchery. The applicant will also participate in oyster production at the hatchery to support their research efforts. Possible research topics include improvements in oyster conditioning and egg quality/development, oyster larval settlement on alternative cultches, strengthening economic feasibility of off-bottom oyster culture, and multi-species aquaculture. The applicant will be able to present research at conferences and workshops.
- A bachelor's degree in biology, environmental science, aquaculture, or related field. A strong understanding or interest in aquaculture.
- Experience in aquatic animal husbandry. Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
- Be able to tolerate harsh field conditions (hot, humid, rain, bugs). Must be willing to learn from others and have the motivation to self-teach skills.
- Must have a valid drivers license.Must be able to swim. Strong Candidates will have a GPA > 3.0 and has completed course work in statistics.
Application Instructions:
Interested candidates are invited to send an email titled, "Prospective M.S. Student: Spring 2025" to Dr. Robinson at [email protected] with the following information: (1) CV, (2) Unofficial transcripts, (3) a letter of interest describing relevant experience, interest, and fit for the position, and (4) list of references. For more details, feel free to contact Dr. Robinson at [email protected].
Biological Sciences
Environmental Science
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